I also got a lot of school work done. I converted 15 pages of notes onto 5 index cards packed with happy-smacky abnormal pschology goodness (please don't smack on the cahds, thanks you ~The Management). So my work in that class is pretty much done for the semester. Also, I studied a bit for my not-so-happy-smacky psych class and did my bio paper and stats HW. After all this, I decided to order some campus delivery chinese food.
While waiting for said chinese food to arrive, Andrea came online (yay!) and we chatted on cam for a bit before she had to go to sleep. It's good talking to old friends I guess, especially cool ones who can really argue a point and fuel a dull conversation into something worth talking about. Brad's like that too, Glenn, not so much. As for Eileen, there's always something to talk about with her ..heh. Well, chinese food got here and I eat and Glenn went to the gym and he's bitching about pain in his arms or something. Anyhow, nothing more to say about today, it was a decent day for sitting around and doing mostly nothing. I think I'll go bother Bradford now..
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