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Friday, November 07, 2003
-*The cat killed curiosity*-

I remember losing my first emotion. This came to mind again while I was talking to Bunneh on aim not 5 minutes ago. It's weird to have been talking about this so much to a friend or two lately and now posting it all here. It seems all very odd and planned like a big operation to lock me up. I know my friends love me and would make sure I get put into one of those really high-tech kinda wards. Yeah, so I couldn't bullshit my way out, like in High School. Man, I'd be raped like a white guy in D-Block.

Curiosity. I lost this one first. I remembered the exact moment, but then it went away. It might also be lost forever. Only time will tell.

More dreams will come tonight. Perhaps I will see a new place I might see one day. Yeah, a new place to explore in my mind, I know all the others. *sigh* Cast these chains from me light of morn.

Til the sunrise, I shall be waiting for The One.

Grey (3:25 AM)

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