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Sunday, June 20, 2004

It's 5:30am and I was lying down for a half hour previous to starting this post. I am pretty bored again. I restarted FF, but played too much the post 4-5 days and I'm kind of burnt of from it already. I'm unsure I'll continue it through July at this point but I'm leaning toward quitting again. I remember how much of a hassle things were before and now is not much different. I'm level 50 pld/25 war and I am upgrading to Iron Musketeer's stuff and it's all blah with money and whatever. I won't play tomorrow (today) or much on Monday either, and not on Tuesday because friends are either visiting or I'm visiting them.

Friday I'm heading down to Long Island to meet up with some Stony Brook counselors and hang out with Glenn. Saturday is Bacardi Party and I'll probably be at Fred's all weekend and come home the following Monday. I still don't drink much, but I will try to enjoy myself with bacardi 03 or something along the lines of bitch beer to appease the crowd, which will most likely want me to do something while I'm there. It'll be fun and I'm looking forward to it.

I have at least found at outlet for my insomnia for the time being. I don't know how long it will last. I've been thinking more about my areas that I submitted last week and about working on the new ones now. I hafta finish the catacombs, revamp the maze, and start the palace then the Berlex Epic Quest will be complete. I have about two or three other areas that are required by my domain history so that is about six areas I really hafta start. It seems like a lot of work because it is and I know the only way to complete it is to force myself to start them. I enjoy designing the area and coming up with the history, coding the spells, mobs, objects, and related, but when it comes down to room items, I detest it. I have a number of skeleton areas with mobs, objects, and armaments, with shitty room descriptions I should look into re-doing. In time I suppose. I've already done two areas this summer and that's a lot for four weeks' time.

I'm going to head to bed.. I'm tired as hell. Remember to call your pops and wish him a happy father's day that is, of course, assuming he appreciates that superficial kind of crap. God natt!

Grey (5:24 AM)

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