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The Past

Monday, December 27, 2004

I have only mostly what I want now. The "mostly" encompasses all the minor things though and none of the major things which are such a small portion of my needs and desires. I haven't felt right at home since day one although I had such a good feeling about coming back here and relaxing a bit.

So far I was blamed for ruining Christmas. It was tough and in the end it's all going to work out for the "best" anyway. I need to do a few more things to get myself in-line still. As for school, I don't even want to mention that. It seems terrible now on two ends and I don't even feel like going back anymore. I've wasted so much time, some voluntarily, and I am aching on the inside for something to just feel "right". Whatever though, it's in the past now. Eat me up all you want.

The distant between a star and a moon
leaves behind a hint of dust.
Something mystifying and
worth mentioning..
a space within a space..
a space within the space..
we grab at emptiness full of love
and devotion.
Our hearts close the gap between us
and pull ourselves into the spaceless void
we call love.
Tomorrow is a closer day,
narrowing the space between.
A day without days is a worthless day
and hated just the same.
The space is fickle and unbending,
it will not haste nor slow.
Take the good within the bad
and tomorrow is one day closer to home.

Grey (1:34 PM)

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