"Fuck it.." He rubbed his forehead and sighed as his voice drifted off. The sound of the train pulling away from the station startled him. At that time all that he could think about was what had transpired--the events leading up to this day. Peering down the tracks the thoughts raced through his mind, and again he sighed.
The wooden canopy over the platform shielded his and all the faces of the passengers to-be. In the shadow of the day he shed two tears, one from each eye. He plopped down on his behind and sat upon the concrete waiting area still squeezing the necklace in his right hand. It snapped. As it did this the beads began to slowly slip off the thread, one at a time. Seven in all, six lost, the remaining one still firmly in his grasp.
He looked up at the nearest person in sight and with moist eyes, gave her a sincere look, a lady of probably sixty years or more, and said, "This is all I have left now. Just this one." A few minutes later, he picked himself up and brushed the debris from his hands off on his shorts. He took one step toward the track and thought a moment as he stared at the thick yellow-drawn barrier.
"Only a line."
He paused, and, looking down at his hand, saw what he was still holding onto. He stuffed his prize in his pocket and wiped the sweat from his hands on his shorts. He took one step back from the track and turned around without hesitation. He headed straight for the staircase down to the parking lot.
One step. Two steps. The farther he walked only worsened the pain. The thoughts did him little justice, stabbing sharply the backs of his eyeballs and the roof of his diaphragm. Everything inside seemed to hurt. His heart rate soared and he clutched at his chest. He looked up at the sky, directly into the sun, just as he collapsed. There, at just the place they'd first met.
~Seven Times Once, Chapter 20
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