I don't plan for this story to finish for another 3 or 4 months, because it is supposed to take a year to tell the story. They first STO, Chapter 20, was posted on Thursday, July 7, 2005. You can find it in the archives, and I would recommend for anyone that may need to brush up on the chapters already posted, that you go through the archives and put each chapter in a separate text file.
The story takes place in the year of the lives, or non-lives, of a number of a characters, two of which we've focused on so far. Chapters 16 through 20 gave us a first-hand glance at Jacob, but using a somewhat omniscient narrator. The next block of chapters, I guess you could call it "The Mia block", were chapters 11 through 15 and basically served to let us into the mind of Mia, our female main character.
I do this for a reason--I wish for both characters to play the protagonist and the antagonist. Their life is no more a struggle than they make it for each other. One pulls, on pushes. Why? Why do we do this in real life? Their story does take place in real time. It is taking place right now, somewhere else. That "somewhere else" is going to be a new theme spread throughout most of the upcoming chapters. It may be a struggle to understand what is going on, but eventually all the loose, frayed ends, will be either cut or waxed together. Of course, by this I mean either things will come to an abrupt end(maybe even where you won't like it), or they have the potential to become pushed to a head again.
Honestly, I hope you guys enjoy this story for what it's worth because I put a lot of thought and time into it, even when I forget to post the chapters because of schoolwork or I'm just playing video games. The next chapter is ready to be posted and depending on how I feel, or the feedback I get to the tagboard message, it could go up in three weeks, or three days. I do have two of the chapters already planned as a double feature though, and quite frankly, your responses will sway me into posting the new chapter sooner or later, and may even make the story juicier.
Hate me or love me yet? Hmmm. I like this game. By the way, I posted this pretty soon after the last chapter, so if you didn't read it yet, it's right down below! Down there ::points down:: Go get it! And if you didn't read it well the first time, read it again fucker, cuz you might've missed something. ::hint hint::
Okay I'm done. See yas next time, it's 4am..
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