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Saturday, July 01, 2006

Oh it's been so long since I've wanted to post and remembered to post simultaneously. I know most of you that do visit here come for the STO chapters and I promise there will be a nice double post coming up sometime this week so check back every day.

Life has been sketchy at best lately. I've been fairly busy with school and looking for a job only very sparingly. When I want to set my mind to it, I know I will, but for now I'm bitterly enjoying the last remaining days of my free life I guess. Actually I don't know what the real excuse is but I think it could be fear. In any case, life starts soon and I am working tirelessly on a couple of other stories when I am not so busy with gaming or schoolwork or job seeking.

I don't know what the future holds at this point but it is wide open, as they say. I still enjoy my use of superfluous commas, roleplaying strange characters, reciting speeches in my head, predicting the weather, and taking 2h naps when I could be out doing something more constructive. In a sense, I don't care enough to worry so I don't worry about not caring.

Anyhow, I'm going to get some sleep and think about how I would like to finish off, or rather begin, the story of Mia and Jacob. Some things elude even me.

Grey (4:35 AM)

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